Saturday, February 2, 2019

A Little Book Full of Heart

Book Review

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery is a big chunk of heart in disguise. I finished my reading for the year 2018 with this little magical book.

The author meets a little boy in the Sahara where his plane crashes to a halt; the little boy/little prince laughs beautifully, is charming and is adept at asking questions, also in getting answers to them.
When he asks the author (who is an expert at geography but pathetic at drawing skills, thanks to his initial drawings as a 6 years old which failed to garner the right response from grown ups) tinkering with the engine of his plane to draw him a sheep, there begins tiny conversations between them;  all enchanting, slowly revealing finer details of our adorable little prince, the planet he is from, how he landed on the Earth, all that he saw and understood on the way.

I am stumped at how this book, broadly meant for kids or young readers holds great lessons/presents important revelations for us elders.

The bond between the author and the little prince blossoms with every page. There is love, loneliness, longing, hope and  nostalgia all packed in mini doses. The book tugs at your heart, makes it grow fonder, soothes it and awakens it to valuable realizations. I am actually bereft of words in writing a review for this little gem, this is meant to be read and savored thoroughly. 

"And now here is a secret, a very simple secret. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye." , am closing my post with these beautiful lines from the book. 

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