Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Just GOOGLE and find it!

It just struck me as I was reading through the deal between Yahoo and Microsoft. Remarked as a victory after an year for Microsoft, the terms and conditions of the deal between two companies on advertising and web/online search will be out in few hours. After Yahoo vehemently resisted the take over bid by Microsoft last year, the two have turned attention now to a joint venture (I guess after lots of contemplation) , possibly made a solemn promise to act strategically to get close to the behemoth - GOOGLE!

Yes, GOOGLE, the global search mantra that has a 67% share of online search space. Well, you don't find answers to something/your understanding on a topic is clouded, never mind , just GOOGLE and get all answers!

Right from code cracks for video games to detailed pictorial descriptions on various subjects for school projects, from materials for thesis presentations in college to official project related stuff and open source software, from sharing photos, blogs, calendars and recipes to daily news, from Archaelogy to Zoology, encompassing all age groups, GOOGLE is no easy competitor to tackle!

The deal, the press, reveals focusses on leveraging support from Yahoo for Bing, the new search engine developed by Microsoft. As readers of this news, we wish success to both Yahoo and Microsoft :)

By the way, I wanted to have a cursory glance of BING - I typed in my IE toolbar and searched for BING, good!

1 comment:

Juhi said...

Nice post.......loved the last line :) Google has become a way of life for most of us, even my hubby who works with Yahoo uses it (even though he hates to accept it ;) )...