Close to two years of work in a South Korean Multinational Company and I haven’t taken a short recee of the country’s map.
So I key in these characters - in my Mozilla browser ….. Loading ...
A small note before the link opens : is this magic potion that provides a wealth of information on diverse topics. It gives me a much required breather from the otherwise mundane coding, simulating and dumping data and waveforms. Thanks to all those million friends who post details on this well organized site!
Without further digression , this is what I had on my desktop -
Korean peninsula - A peninsula in east Asia, more like an outgrowth from an otherwise regular boundary, divided into two by an imaginary line – the 38th Parallel.
That gives us some important thing to discuss - I guess we just cannot dismiss this 38th parallel (38’N latitude) as one of those imaginary lines etched on the globe for easier zone demarcations. The continued antagonism between the two halves (North and Soth Korea) that lie on either side of this line would force one to see this peninsular region as one of the most dangerous military flashpoints in the modern world.
The golden rule of “opposites attract” does not work between these two halves – irony that this rule, most say, works with people but not for nations made of people. So where does the problem lie? Probably, nations are not just about people but comprise much more, on the contrary, they are just void and don't include people at all.
On the northern side of this line, lies a Communist nation led by an eternal monarch, armed with an arsenal of nuclear weapons, chemical and biological warfare means, an arsenal that has siphoned into it all time and money to raise itself to the stature of the most potent storehouse of destruction looked at with global trepidation. The
So if that was the description of the international pariah,we get onto the contrasting southern region of the peninsula –
So why this contrast , why this divide ? BLAME it on their FOREFATHERS!!!!!!
For centuries,
Come Second World War (1939),
The Big Brother, the United Nations backed strongly by the
No one listens the first time – that’s the BIG folly and China had to intrude.
With fostered support from
Now what more remains to be done – call the 38th parallel the most fortified border, a military flashpoint , a demilitarized zone , the same way Indo - Pak conflict and Israel –Palestine issues have been addressed.
Technically, the Korean war did not come to a close in 1953, the two nations signed an armistice (please refer to the DICTIONARY for the meaning of this word as God alone knows what this term stands for – armistice and MoUs are violated even before the ink on the paper dries) with the UN and decided that 38th parallel will be the border between the two.
North Korea went on to accumalate nuclear weapons and huge stockpiles of missiles , used every iota of infrastructure to strengthen the arsenal even forgetting electricity supply to its people , such a shame that today it barters stoppage of nuclear proliferation programme in exchange for global sanctions/economic reforms and free electricity from the USA for its people.
It pulled itself out of the Non Proliferation Treaty in the year 1993 to add to the then global woes, fired a missile right over
That’s just a deadlock, a deadlock unresolved till day leaving us again with this question - Is the 38th parallel only an imaginary line or something more than that? The deadlock will remain unresolved, the questions will remain unanswered as nations are just not made of people. In fact, they are devoid of people, they are only full of vengeful, barbaric animals in an endless conquest of power on an inevitable and certain road to global catastrophe.
1 comment:
Hey read ur so u have also started. Its a nice thing naa..Brings out some creativity in an otherwise monotonous lifestyle we have.
Ur blog was interesting, loads of stuff i really had no clue abt. And quite a lot of history thats not covered in our dumb school books. Great start..Keep it going.
And hey thanks for ur comments on my latest blog. Do keep visiting it.. planning gto be more regular in updating it.
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