Two books for young readers, four novels and four short stories collections - these make my tally for March 2024 reads, definitely more than what I thought I would manage at the start of the month. March was 'messy' with my parents' health issues that have been surfacing quite often now, a bad bout of flu that left me weak. The last month of my kid's academic year meant end-year projects and exams lined up, demanding more of my time and attention. A more rigorous routine meant more sincere intent to read :)
I am happy that a good chunk of these are translated literature (from Kannada, Telugu, Arabic, German and Swedish).
Short Stories Collections
1. Mayadevi's London Yatra - New and selected stories by Bulbul Sharma
2. Instruments of Torture by Aparna Sanyal
3. The Hippo Girl and other stories by Shah Tazrian Ashrafi
4. Cracked Glass jar and other stories by Chandralata, translated from Telugu by CLL Jayaprada
1. A Whole Life by Robert Seethaler, tr from German by Charlotte Collins
2.The Old woman and the River by Ismail Fahd Ismail, tr from Arabic by Sophia Vasalou
3, Sakina's Kiss by Vivek Shanbagh, tr from Kannada by Srinath Perur
4. The Singularity by Balsam Karam, tr from Swedish by Saskia Vogel
Books for Young Readers
1. Stitch by Padraig Kenny
2. Mehar's World of Colours by Arti Sonthalia