Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Feasty Yeasty Experiments - 2

No Knead Focaccia Bread 

Another post stating many thanks to Cakes and More blog. I just could not stop playing with yeast and roller pin and flour last weekend. After baking two batches of rolls, I went ahead with confidence and picked up this quick and easy recipe. It is very quick, requires less effort and yields a super tasty flat bread that goes very well with tea. 

As already mentioned in my previous post on no knead rolls, Suma's blogposts offer a direct "put-to-practice" recipes. The link leading to the recipe on her blog is given below -

Not much I altered in the parent recipe, I followed the ingredients as is. Minor modifications are as below- 

  • I omitted grated fresh coconut. I didn't have any at home. 
  • I used only 1 cup of APF and altered all other ingredients accordingly. 
  • I used a 6' round tin for baking the flat bread. 
  • I fried the finely chopped green chillies and coriander with hing, salt and sugar in oil, added required quantities of water and coconut milk to this. Then I added yeast upon hitting the right luke warm temperature. Into this, I incorporated the flour. We enjoy spicy stuff at home, therefore I added the chillies directly to the batter and mixed it well. 
  • I sprinkled little rosemary, thyme and oregano (mixture) as a final topping before sending the tin into the oven. 
  • I baked in my Samsung microwave convection oven at 180'C for 35 minutes. I didn't use the grill option for more browning. I checked for the hollow sound trick, it worked and I stopped at that. 

Nice, tasty flat bread and my weekend went well with fruitful experiments with yeast. My fascination for such yeasty experiments continues ... it is only Tuesday and I am already waiting to get my apron, gloves on and bake more goodies :) 

A big note of thanks to Suma and her blog (http://sumarowjee.blogspot.com/2011/05/no-knead-focaccia-super-quick-easy-easy.html) again for all valuable and truly delectable recipes. Many more thanks to you, I get to score many brownie points with friends and family with these recipes.  


  1. This looks really yummy...too bad I missed it :(

  2. wow Divya, looks great, bet it tasted great too. subah subah I shouldn't have checked, super hungry now :)
